I hope everyone had a fabulous holiday and is ready for this next year. Jordan and I had wonderful Christmas and spent the weekend with family and spoiling each other. Jordan and I spent Christmas Eve with The Other Pocatello Scow's and had dinner. We played games and shared lots of laughs. Jordan and Isabelle played the candy bar game like pro's. In the middle of the game Jordan and Belle had all but 2 of the 10 or so candy bars. Good thing he is my husband, that means I win those delicious treats by default. (ha ha) After Eating dinner and playing games we headed over to Mass with my brother and his girlfriend. Mass was a very different experience for me seeing as I have never been to Catholic Mass. I will have to say tho I wouldn't mind going back. They sing so many songs on Christmas.... I LOVE IT! The only thing I could do without is the incense. It kinda bothered my senses. (ha ha) But it was a wonderful experience and I thank my brothers Girlfriend for inviting us to join. The night ended for Jordan and I with a quick stop at my parents house to watch them open Christmas Eve gifts and a little chitchat. By the time we got home it was after midnight. We decided that we would open our gifts from each other. Man did I get spoiled! I have a wonderful Husband! He is so very thoughtful! Over all Jordan and I had a wonderful time and enjoyed Christmas to the fullest. Hope everyone had a great Christmas.
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Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
The Joke is on Me
House hunting..... The biggest disappointment ever! Jordan and I have been looking a buy our first home together. We have been looking since this summer off and on. We found the first house that we liked and were going to put and offer in on it.... Our Realtor kinda sucked and needless to say someone else bought it. The second house we found was beautiful on the inside and didn't need any remodeling we were going to put an offer in on that house....we decided it was not worth it and got really suspicious of the reason behind our Realtor showing us the house.( It was listed with their company. Conflict of interest maybe?) We feel it was more for personal gain then really for us. But we decided to stay with them and give them one more chance. We found another house. It was great... except for the sagging roof and terrible foundation that our Realtor again decided not to mention.(again listed with their company) Needless to say we switched Realtor's and started looking again. Out of 7 houses we looked at there was one house that Jordan and I both liked! ( I actually loved it and this was probably the 15th house we had looked at with our new Realtor.) Well guess what hate to be the bearer of bad news but just found out it was bought! So much for that house! Man at this rate we will never find a house. Many people will probably say that we have to many expectations. I think we are very reasonable with what we want. Here is out list
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House Criteria
$90,000 - $115,000
3 bedrooms at least
2 Bathrooms at least
Basement that may or may not be finished
Has to have forced air heat NO BASEBOARD heating
a good sized yard
yard could be fenced or not fenced
A garage is preferred but a car port would work too
Move in ready!
Hardwood floors would be nice.
Appliances included would be nice as well
Well there you have it. We would also like to live close to where we work and out of our stake that we both have grown up in. Do you think that we could find something? NO I'm getting so frustrated with finding a house. Maybe we should just give up and not even try anymore! If you have any suggestions or houses that meet our criteria please let us know!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
The Scow Family
Here are some pictures from the photo shoot I did for my sister-in-law and her family. Let me know if you are interested in a photo shoot with me. I would love to capture anyone who is willing.
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Thursday, December 1, 2011
Growing Up
So it is official I am a grown up. I was recently promoted to Receptionist at the accounting firm that I work for! I'm quite nervous but im so excited as well! I love organizing and being in control.
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Monday, November 14, 2011
So Jordan and I decided it was time for us to grow up and be on our own cell phone plan. Really it was cause our contracts were up but we decided that we were goin to get iPhones.....so we did. So far things have been great. All I have to do is text Jordan and he comes walking in from the living room for dinner. Pretty great system right. iPhone's are pretty dang cool if I say so myself. I am typing this blog post from my phone. I have been able to put everything I need and don't need right on my phone I have an app for my to do list, my groceries, the ensign, the scriptures, blogger, pinterest, Facebook, email, find my friend which allows me to see where my friends with iPhones are and guess what I got them all for free too! The guy at the sprint store didn't think That we could get anything for free but guess what we did! So far the phone is pretty awesome and I really like it. Keep posted to see if my mind changes. Pin It
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Mrs. Idaho America
Well im back to reality and the daily things in life. I had a fabulous time the Mrs. Idaho America pageant this last weekend. I didn't win any awards but I did get to meet many wonderful women of Idaho. Doing this pageant helped me more then anything. I was finally able to have my moment on stage where it was just me. I honestly felt like such a queen on stage. It was so neat to be able to walk down that run way and know that I am beautiful. I even walked out on stage in a swimming suit. Which even for me is hard. Over all the pageant was a wonderful experience and I had a great time. I wish that the outcome would have been different but it was not my time. Here is a list of the awesome stuff that I got just for doing the pageant.
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Scrub Sponge
Detox Spa
Lip Gloss
Compact Mirror
Weiser Candy
Portable lip
Nail and Cuticle
Body Drench
Shampoo and Conditioner Sample
Shampoo and Conditioner Sample
Two Pens
Certificate for Rodan and Fields Dermatologists
Coconut Body
Coconut Salt
Crown Earrings
I am the
cure keychain
Miche Purse
Bath and
Body Works Lotion
Crown Ring
Davidson looking Bracelet
Chef Pumpkin Dish
Cancer Awareness Patch
Chef Cake Tester
Chef Recipe Book
Redken Heat
Style Sample
Redken Color
Extend Shampoo
Redken Color
Extend Conditioner
Texture Paste
Bosley Hair Moisture Masque
Thickening Treatment
Bosley Thickening
and Volumizing Treatment
O.P.I Nail
Volume Foam
2 Mrs. Idaho
America Shirts
Polka Dot
International Foot care package
Cancer Necklace
Mrs. Idaho
America Trophy
Mrs. Bannock
County Banner
Program Book
Ticket for Event
$25 Waxing
Gift Certificate
DVD Of the
Mrs. Idaho America Pageant
Fee Wavier
for 2013 Pageant
Some pretty awesome stuff right! Pictures to come later but you can click on this link and it will take you to the photos of the event. Thank you to all of my wonderful sponsors who helped make this journey possible! I love you all~
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Mrs. Bannock County soon to be... Mrs. Idaho
Well Saturday is the big day and I'm getting very excited. I will be competing for the title of Mrs. Idaho. I know to many pageants seem like such a silly thing and that they are a waste of time and money but I can honestly say that they are not. I'm not saying that I didn't have to spend money or find time to practice but what I am saying is that it is well worth it. Many people have asked if I am nervous but I cant really say that I am. I have doubts as to if I will compete well and measure up but I'm not afraid of the stage. I have been on the stage for many years and I really like it! The interview as me a little up tight but who wouldn't be. I will be sitting in front of someone whom I have probably never met and they will expect me to talk and act like the next Mrs. Idaho. Now the thrill of knowing that is pretty awesome but as most people do we ALWAYS wonder if we will measure up to the past Mrs. Idaho's. But I have confidence that if I'm chosen as the next delegate for the State of Idaho I will meet expectations. I may do things a little differently and have my own little corks but, I know that I can do it. I know that I can walk out on that stage and do my very best and that I will walk with elegance and stature and provide a smile that is genuine and true. I know that I can walk into the interview looking like the queen just missing her crown. I know that no matter what happens win or lose I have a wonderful husband (and puppy that is more then willing to help me type) that love me and think the world of me. My biggest goal, aside from winning the title is to help others see what positive thinking and confidence in ones self can achieve! All it takes is one little step at a time first its complementing yourself on one thing you are proud of every day even if it is that you put your shoes on the right feet. Then it grows to looking in the mirror and saying one nice thing about your body that you actually love even if it is that silly stretch mark that looks like a lighting bolt. And finally it hits you that no matter what you are loved! Heavenly Father loves us more then we could even imagine. That is why we truly are all queens in his eyes. He knows and see our potential and we just have to take the beer goggles of and see it for ourselves as well. We all have someone in our families that love us as well. A mom, daddy, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, cousin, grandma, grandpa, HUSBAND or even the dog, cat or goldfish love us. We are all loved! We are all special children of God and we all have great potential to many great things we just have to believe in ourselves. Show ourselves who is the boss! I am in control of my life and how I look at each day. Only me no one else!
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Trying but it doesn't seem to be noticed
I came home this morning wondering why do I even try. I wake up in the morning I arrive on time. I listen to what is being said. I don't think that I over step my bounds, I follow the directions that are given me yet I still get the look of death and the glare of unsatisfactory performance. "Mommy" sweeps in to take over because things do not go according to "Mommy's" plans and what she does. Why is it that when I all I want is for everyone to succeed and achieve their very best I am shut down and belittled? I have been here from the start and showed my willingness to participate and learn from the best yet at every turn there is a curve ball thrown across the plate. I was loyal for years and this is how I'm repaid?! That doesn't seem very Christ like to me. But enough about that on to bigger and better things.
So as you know Jordan has been away from training and so far every week that he has been gone wrong and broke.
Week 1
The light in the bathroom went out only minutes after Jordan left. Seriously MINUTES?!
Week 2
The dryer after drying 3 or so loads decided it was done drying my clothes and needed a break.
Week 3
The check engine light in the truck decided to make and appearance for the world to see. Come to find out it was just a miss fire and nothing can be done about it.
Week 4
The light in the hallway went out and is still out. No more night light for Caitlyn when it is scary at night.
The check engine light appeared again for a second debut.
Week 5
And here it is day 2 of week 5 and nothing had happened (knock on wood). Granted I leave for the Mrs. Idaho America Pageant on Thursday so we still have a little time but seriously Jordan can never leave for an extended amount of time again.! NEVER!
What a month!
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So as you know Jordan has been away from training and so far every week that he has been gone wrong and broke.
Week 1
The light in the bathroom went out only minutes after Jordan left. Seriously MINUTES?!
Week 2
The dryer after drying 3 or so loads decided it was done drying my clothes and needed a break.
Week 3
The check engine light in the truck decided to make and appearance for the world to see. Come to find out it was just a miss fire and nothing can be done about it.
Week 4
The light in the hallway went out and is still out. No more night light for Caitlyn when it is scary at night.
The check engine light appeared again for a second debut.
Week 5
And here it is day 2 of week 5 and nothing had happened (knock on wood). Granted I leave for the Mrs. Idaho America Pageant on Thursday so we still have a little time but seriously Jordan can never leave for an extended amount of time again.! NEVER!
What a month!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Senior Pictures
Here are some pictures I took of my brother....
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I think these turned out well. I'm glad that I was given the opportunity to take pictures of my little big brother! He is a stud. Thanks buddy!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Doubts and Fears
I didn't think that having Jordan gone would be so hard..... Reality check it is totally hard. I really enjoy my alone time but I have come to realize that to much alone time causes me to doubt myself and what I know to be true. I know that Jordan loves me more then anything and that I mean the world to him but when I don't hear from him all day and bedtime is lingering nearer and there has still not be a text I start to think the worst. Probably one of my biggest flaws in our relationship. I trust Jordan fully but there is still that little bit of fear that something has happened. Now don't get me wrong I know that Jordan would never do anything ANYTHING! We promised each other that we would be together for all eternity and that promise means the world to both of us. But unfortunately the world is cruel and to many things have happened in my life to make that fear just disappear.
But in a happier note I got to take photos of my Sister-In-Laws cute little family. They were so much fun. I will have to admit that I was very intimidated because this whole photography thing is still so new to me. I want to make people happy with their photos and give them what they want but I'm still in the learning process. I think the pictures turned out well. I guess we will see what my sister in law thinks when she gets them back. YIKES! I will put a preview of picture up later. Please tell me what you think of my photos!
Mrs. Bannock County
(Gotta love the Title)
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The Day we got engaged! |
But in a happier note I got to take photos of my Sister-In-Laws cute little family. They were so much fun. I will have to admit that I was very intimidated because this whole photography thing is still so new to me. I want to make people happy with their photos and give them what they want but I'm still in the learning process. I think the pictures turned out well. I guess we will see what my sister in law thinks when she gets them back. YIKES! I will put a preview of picture up later. Please tell me what you think of my photos!
Mrs. Bannock County
(Gotta love the Title)
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
And so It Begins
Free time is now something I have great abundance of. Jordan has been summoned away for work and is gone. It is really weird trying to figure out what I should have for dinner and what I should do for lunch. But it is really nice too. I can have all the fruits and veggies I want in the house. I don't even have to make a real dinner and just have a sandwich. Don't get me wrong I love making dinner for my husband but sometimes it is nice to have a break. So far things have been great. I was able to get so many things done today. I was done grocery shopping by 10:30 this morning. The laundry is almost finished as well. Man am I proud of myself. Granted I get all these things done when Jordan is home as well but... they just seem to take longer. I would rather spend time with Jordan then do the laundry and dishes. Our puppy has been so so funny. Whenever she hears the slightest sound she thinks she need to protect me and goes running to the front door to see what is outside. This afternoon while taking a nap she just started barking and ran out to the back yard. Our neighbor was putting out his garbage can. What a silly dog. But this time she has had away from Jordan has also proved to be good for her. She was so excited to see me today. Usually she will run right past me and look for Jordan. I was gone for only 3 hours and she wanted to play with me and cuddle with me for a good half hour or so when I got home. Man it is nice to feel love from that dog. Most the time I just get the cold shoulder!
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Things with the pageant have been crazy. I finally can take a breath and worry about what I'm going to wear and not what the judges sheets should say. I hope that everything runs smoothly. I did put my blog address on the application page so if you are a Judge for the Mrs. Idaho America Pageant.... Thank you so much for reading my blog. I hope you find what you are looking for and enjoy some laughter along the way. Thanks
Caitlyn Scow
Mrs. Bannock County
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Reality Sinks In
While reading the scriptures last night I was struck by a scripture in Doctrine and Covenants 19. After reading about those who will suffer eternal damnation for the choices they made I realized how important in this mortal state it is to follow our Saviors plan. I couldn't help think about those who chose an alternative plan. I was feeling bad that they would never be able to be with Christ and Heavenly Father to feel of their love. I kept thinking that there was no way that God would allow the children he loves to suffer so much pain. But as my wonderful Husband pointed out, in the pre-existence we knew all things. We knew the events that would take place in our lives, the trials and tribulations we would face and the ultimate goal of this mortal test. This made me realize how truly important it is to follow the path of righteousness now. We don't get another chance to make it to the Celestial Kingdom. Those who know of the gospel and have been taught the teachings only have this life to make it to the kingdom of God. I knew that this earthly existence was a test and that we would be judge for our works but for some reason I thought that God would be merciful to those who only made it to the Terrestrial Kingdom and would allow them to make it to the Celestial Kingdom. But again as Jordan pointed out there is no other way. God is bound by his laws.
Doctrine and Covenants 82:10
"I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise."
If we do what has been asked we will receive exultation but when we don't do what has been asked we are in no way guaranteed exultation. If we do fall into a lower Kingdom, there is no do overs once judgement comes. We need to exemplars of His gospel. I don't get a second chance. Right now is my chance to follow the teachings of Christ.
Goal for this month is to be a disciple of Christ and prove without question that I have done the works that will allow me to receive exultation.
I'm so glad that I have a husband who knows the scriptures and is willing to teach me the things I don't know or understand! I am so blessed to have him for all eternity! He is an amazing man and never ceases to amaze me!
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Doctrine and Covenants 82:10
"I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise."
If we do what has been asked we will receive exultation but when we don't do what has been asked we are in no way guaranteed exultation. If we do fall into a lower Kingdom, there is no do overs once judgement comes. We need to exemplars of His gospel. I don't get a second chance. Right now is my chance to follow the teachings of Christ.
Goal for this month is to be a disciple of Christ and prove without question that I have done the works that will allow me to receive exultation.
I'm so glad that I have a husband who knows the scriptures and is willing to teach me the things I don't know or understand! I am so blessed to have him for all eternity! He is an amazing man and never ceases to amaze me!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Our Poor Puppy
We have now had out little puppy Pepper for just a little over a year. She has had a ruff go around. She's been through quite a bit or turmoil and is still kicking and screaming ans still loves us. Here is a list of her inflicted injuries....
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1. After having her for less then a half hour she was run over by a large Chevy Truck. Pepper decided the grass was greener on the other side and jumped out the window. The trip to the vet cost a lot but all was well. She only had a bruised lung. ( FYI Jordan and I were not even married at this time.)
2. While playing ball with her in the house, Jordan accidently kicked out her front tooth. She is very narotic about her ball. That is all she will focus on for hours.
3. Pepper decided to lounge in the kitchen directly behind Jordan while he was making Ramen Noodles. In the process of trying to take the pan off the stove and her laying to close to Jordan she received a shower of boiling water.
4. Again, while playing ball across the street towards the park, she ripped off her toe nail on one foot. We couldn't even touch her foot without her flinching an wincing in pain.
5. Taking her her on a 4-wheeler ride recently she ripped off the pad on one foot. Took small places off the rest of her pads and is walking with a limp. ( This is the second time she has ripped off pads now)
I promise you that we take care of our dog and we really do love her but she seems to keep on getting hurt. She is the most resilient dog I have ever met. She has even ate chocolate and been fine. The only time she had thown up from eating human food is when Jordan and I fed her to many pieces of Coco Puff cereal. She still loves us, which someday's is surprising considering her afflictions. She still follows Jordan around everywhere and ignores me to her best ability. Please don't turn us in. We do not I repeat DO NOT hurt our puppy on purpose.
See we love her. We let her sleep with Jordan. Aren't they cute!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Last night Jordan and I decided that we should go 4-wheeling for my dad's birthday with his 4-wheeler's.... but my dad decided that he wasn't going to go. Jordan and I had a blast. We rode for a good little while and made it to the top of City Creek. It was absolutely beautiful.
A little hazy from all of the fires that we have had recently. Pepper was so wore out by the time we made it to the top that she just plopped down.
Jordan made her stay on the back of his 4-wheeler for a good bit to try and help her out but she didn't like it to much. She stayed on for a little bit but then jumped off. ( Not while we were driving of course).
The day was great until the 4-wheeler Jordan was on wouldn't start. To make a long story short.....Jordan coasted down the mountain...behind me. It was a little scary. I pulled him up the parts he couldn't make up by himself. We make a pretty good team if i do say myself. I told Jordan that as soon as we got home and told my dad bout the 4-wheeler not starting he would be able to start it and sure enough he got it to start.
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Gotta love the butt grab :)
Jordan made her stay on the back of his 4-wheeler for a good bit to try and help her out but she didn't like it to much. She stayed on for a little bit but then jumped off. ( Not while we were driving of course).
The day was great until the 4-wheeler Jordan was on wouldn't start. To make a long story short.....Jordan coasted down the mountain...behind me. It was a little scary. I pulled him up the parts he couldn't make up by himself. We make a pretty good team if i do say myself. I told Jordan that as soon as we got home and told my dad bout the 4-wheeler not starting he would be able to start it and sure enough he got it to start.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
I DIDNT help him get dressed this morning.
My wonderful husband has been saying for weeks and weeks that he needs to go running and that he wants to start running again. Well it just so happens that there was a fun run this last weekend and Jordan got roped into running with his cousin, uncle, brother, and sister in law. (Notice I didn't want to run) Lets just say he did a great job and ran faster then I thought he would run the 5K. It had to have been because of his awesome attire....Maybe?!
What a Pair these to are!
The full effect!
I REPEAT.... I didn't not dress him. He decided this outfit all on his own... I only nudge him to do it. We will have to see what the next race has in store for the two of them.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
So It is time for an update as to what has been happening for the Scow's. We spent 4th of July this year with my family.... we ended up taking down a big branch in the tree that had broken off slightly during a large wind storm. Here is how it transpired,
The branch had to be taken out by the truck. The rope came undone the first time because those boys I guess forgot how to tie a real boy scouts knot. But it finally fell.
On to the next matter of business, Jordan and I needed to tame our beast of a backyard. He was nice enough to let me use HIS gas powered weed whacker! I only jammed it like three times. I was covered in grass from head to toe! It was so disgusting but it was still quite fun.
And that is a brief update as to what has been happening to The Scow's. More to come later!
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The branch had to be taken out by the truck. The rope came undone the first time because those boys I guess forgot how to tie a real boy scouts knot. But it finally fell.
On to the next matter of business, Jordan and I needed to tame our beast of a backyard. He was nice enough to let me use HIS gas powered weed whacker! I only jammed it like three times. I was covered in grass from head to toe! It was so disgusting but it was still quite fun.
And that is a brief update as to what has been happening to The Scow's. More to come later!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Frustration led to Thankfulness
Do you ever have those times when you feel like you cant do anything right? That you are never good enough? That you will never add up to what everyone wants you to be? Well guess what.... that is pretty much how I feel. I wish I was good enough to meet your unrealistic expectations but guess what I cant I'm human. No one can ever meet these expectations given. No One is perfect! The only perfect person was Christ and He has lived and died so that I didn't have to be perfect. He made it so that I didn't have to meet these expectations of perfectness. What a cruel world we live in. My goal is to be more Christ like. Not to set these expectations that no one will reach. I want to accept people for who they are and what they can do. My house doesn't always need to be spotless and I don't always have to be dressed to the nines so why should I expect others to do the same. We need to love unconditionally. I hope those with whom I associate with know that they don't have to be perfect for me that I will except them for who they are and for the things they accomplish whether it is waking up on time in the morning or winning the Noble Peace Prize I will accept you! You are perfect to me!
Thank goodness for a wonderful husband who reminds me that it is OK and that things will work out! Thank goodness for Adele's cover of Make you feel my love to remind me as to why I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful husband who is there for me and will always see me as perfect enough for him! I'm so very grateful for him and for how much he loves me. I don't know what I would have done with out him. I cant believe that we have been married for almost a year. Time sure does fly by. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me and being married to him for time and all eternity is the greatest gift I will ever receive from him!
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Thank goodness for a wonderful husband who reminds me that it is OK and that things will work out! Thank goodness for Adele's cover of Make you feel my love to remind me as to why I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful husband who is there for me and will always see me as perfect enough for him! I'm so very grateful for him and for how much he loves me. I don't know what I would have done with out him. I cant believe that we have been married for almost a year. Time sure does fly by. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me and being married to him for time and all eternity is the greatest gift I will ever receive from him!
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Saturday, June 11, 2011
A blast from the past
Last night I had a wonderful evening with an old friend. We had a fabulous time at Ruby Tuesdays catching up on each others lives. It seems like just yesterday we were playing in our spaceship on top of the washing machine and dryer pressing buttons made of tape for our instant food and instant launch to space and back home. Oh the days of being a child and not having to worry about bills, laundry, cleaning and what others think. Back then it was easy to make friends. You didn't have to do anything but ask a simple name... if that. The other day I was at the park with my nieces. The kids there were playing a game of monsters. Only when it was time to leave was the question of "what is your name?" even mentioned. If only it was that easy to make friends and keep them for all your life. It was so nice to be able to talk with an old friend. Things have for sure changed in each of our lives but that friendship is still there. I'm so glad that I got a chance to sit and talk with him. I missed his company and hearing about his life.
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Sunday, June 5, 2011
Look what has happened now
So this last week has been quite eventful. My wonderful husband decided to fix the broken element in the water heater. When they say the water heater is the first thing to go out when you move somewhere they are totally right. The water temperature here has been less then desirable but it has sufficed for the last 11 months or so. Jordan was a wonderful husband and got all the tools he need to get the job done and did. Well in the process of fixing the water heater he had to shut off the main water to the house.... well the spicket broke. We had no water in our house for a good 5 or so hours. We call our land lord and have him come up and fix it for us. Well he fixed it so that we had water but we also had a pretty big leak. He said oh usually they just fix themselves so just leave the leak alone and it will be fine. In the mean time the water was everywhere in the laundry room. Every time that you would step on the floor water would seep up through the tiles. You may say now that is pretty bad but Jordan fixed it the next day and now we only have a minor leak that it not threatening to flood the laundry room. So those purchasing a house in the future remember that your water heater is going to go out shortly after you move in and you will need to replace it.
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The Fixed Element |
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The Broken Spicket |
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Jordan Working |
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Trying to fix the leak
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Well this last week has been one of complete chaos. Jordan's work schedule has been CRAZY! One day he is working the night shift and the next he is working the day shift. But at last he is back to a normal schedule, unfortunately it is still nights but oh well i guess. This weekend we attended a baby blessing of my cousins little girl. Her dress was gorgeous. So here are a few pictures from that.
I didn't have as much time as I would have liked to take pictures of her. To many Grandma's wanted to take pictures but it is a start towards taking pictures of children.
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I didn't have as much time as I would have liked to take pictures of her. To many Grandma's wanted to take pictures but it is a start towards taking pictures of children.
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