Well it is that time of year again. Christmas is almost here and right around the corner is the new year. I have been thinking a lot about what I should work on for this next year because heavens knows I have a lot of things to work on. There are so many things that I would like to do to improve myself. Here are just a few
Daily scripture reading
Daily Prayers
One Conference talk per week
keep a better house
and the list goes on. But here is my problem I want to do all these things but I find that I run out of time everyday. Between working full time a baby and a husband my time is not my own. Even when I wake up before everyone it never fails that the little one wakes up early that day.
In exploring blog land the other day I came across this post called How a busy Mom can read her scriptures on theredheadedhostess.com. This post opened my eyes!!!
I always thought ok when the baby is down for a nap I will read or when the husband is at work I will study a talk but that is not what they need to see. They need to see a mother/wife that is improving herself not just hear about it. I cant not believe that I didn't think of this before. So my goal this year is to become the person that God wants me to be.
Because Im a list maker here is how I will accomplish this task
1. Wake up and write down my goals for the day!
2. Dont be to hard on myself
3. Read with my Husband/daughter
4.Make it a priority- cleaning can wait
5. Ask for help from above and those around me
6. Let my family SEE the mother that I want to become
I also found this lovely a couple moths ago and wanted to start doing this as well. it is called What moms need from themarathonmom.com. It is a list of weekly goals that a mother should have and remember! I decided that that would be a good start to my week to read a goal and incorporate that into my life as well. Want to join me?
What is your goal this year? How are you going to accomplish it? I would love to know!

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Daily scripture reading
Daily Prayers
One Conference talk per week
keep a better house
and the list goes on. But here is my problem I want to do all these things but I find that I run out of time everyday. Between working full time a baby and a husband my time is not my own. Even when I wake up before everyone it never fails that the little one wakes up early that day.
In exploring blog land the other day I came across this post called How a busy Mom can read her scriptures on theredheadedhostess.com. This post opened my eyes!!!
I always thought ok when the baby is down for a nap I will read or when the husband is at work I will study a talk but that is not what they need to see. They need to see a mother/wife that is improving herself not just hear about it. I cant not believe that I didn't think of this before. So my goal this year is to become the person that God wants me to be.
Because Im a list maker here is how I will accomplish this task
1. Wake up and write down my goals for the day!
2. Dont be to hard on myself
3. Read with my Husband/daughter
4.Make it a priority- cleaning can wait
5. Ask for help from above and those around me
6. Let my family SEE the mother that I want to become
I also found this lovely a couple moths ago and wanted to start doing this as well. it is called What moms need from themarathonmom.com. It is a list of weekly goals that a mother should have and remember! I decided that that would be a good start to my week to read a goal and incorporate that into my life as well. Want to join me?
What is your goal this year? How are you going to accomplish it? I would love to know!