Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Well this last week has been one of complete chaos. Jordan's work schedule has been CRAZY! One day he is working the night shift and the next he is working the day shift. But at last he is back to a normal schedule, unfortunately it is still nights but oh well i guess. This weekend we attended a baby blessing of my cousins little girl. Her dress was gorgeous. So here are a few pictures from that.

I didn't have as much time as I would have liked to take pictures of her. To many Grandma's wanted to take pictures but it is a start towards taking pictures of children.
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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Domestication of the Cowboy

So this week has been great so far. Jordan has been quite the housewife. :) He has made fabulous dinners the last two nights and tonight he is making cookies! Granted it is almost midnight but hey at least he is making cookies. Dinner last night was amazing. He made dutch oven roast and potatoes. We invited the Carter family over for dinner and had a fabulous time with them. It has been awhile since we have seen them and we really enjoyed their company. As far as tonight has been it has been quite interesting. According to some Jordan and I don't know much about life and we are wrong about many many things.

New Goal of life- Not always having to be right! We are human. We are not right many times and you know what we just need to accept that!
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Thursday, May 12, 2011


Finally the sun has shown it's face. It is supposed to be warm this weekend but I guess we will see. Well school is finally over. My grades are great except for one class.... Math. Math was not the lucky class this year. But it is o.k i'm done for the next little bit. I'm not going to school anytime soon! Now it is time to look for a new house to live in and job!  I'm hopefully going to start teaching dance this summer and then again in the fall! So if you wanna come to a class. Hit me up! 
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